In Donald Lindberg, we honor as the first Cosmos Club Awardee of the third millennium a man whose many gifts, well applied, bridge from the 20th to the 21st century. Through his vision, creativity, and leadership, he has made the immense and ever-expanding universe of medical information and knowledge available and easily accessible to all who care about sick people anywhere in the world. He has inspired and engineered the creation of simple, clear, and free systems for obtaining from the greatest collection of medical literature on earth immediate answers to inquiries made by anyone with access to a computer or a medical library, providing incalculable benefits to patients and their health care workers.
The Cosmos Club takes great pleasure in bestowing its A ward for 2001 on Donald A. B. Lindberg, pathologist, experimentalist, computer scientist, informatics innovator, internet communicator, public servant, and Club member since 1972.