Scientist, linguist, and historian, he is recognized inter- nationally for new knowledge brought to the biological sciences and for his inspired manner of guiding its application for the benefit of mankind.
His distinguished contributions to the field of plant path- ology have been multiplied manyfold by the students who have come to him from every part of the world to profit from his knowledge and wisdom and who in turn have introduced new generations of students to the “Stakman philosophy.”
Following a long and brilliant career as teacher, investigator, and administrator at the University of Minnesota, he is currently engaged in a second career-the advancement of the agricultural sciences on the international front.
As a statesman of science he has always been a lucid exponent of a humanistic scientific philosophy. His great intellectual and scientific merit has been recognized on many occasions by national and international societies, academies, and boards which have elected him to member- ship and high positions. Many honorary degrees and other awards from institutions in this country and abroad have been conferred upon him in acknowledgment of his out- standing achievements.
For his clear voice in the cause of science in the service of humanity, the Cosmos Club is proud to designate Elvin Charles Stakman as the first recipient of the Cosmos Club Award.