Foundation executive, lawyer, humanist, Henry Allen Moe is recognized throughout the scholarly world for his dedicated services and inspired participation in the promotion of the sciences, humane letters, and the arts.
Through his association with foundations and learned societies over a period of forty years he has played the role of a superb catalyst and in a remarkably creative manner has made possible the fulfillment of talent and Promise. He has guided the selection of thousands of young men and women for advanced research or artistic creation, and has given them encouragement, advice, and recognition. With an open mind toward the progression and even the vagaries of an advancing culture, he has shown an uncanny genius in recognizing potential. He has detected some of the best of the avante-garde while encouraging the solid performance of veterans still capable of further accomplishment; standing as ·ready to support an action painter or a twelve-tone com- poser as a nuclear physicist or an existentialist philosopher. In this he has exhibited courage, breadth of understanding, and faith in the future, and his influence has been pervasive, salutary, and universally respected.
As President of the American Philosophical Society he is a worthy successor to Benjamin Franklin, whose breadth of learning and deep wisdom he emulates.
For his eminent contributions to the advancement of science, literature, and the arts in America and for his distinguished leadership in the field of foundation administration, the Cosmos Club of Washington is proud to designate Henry Allen Moe as the second recipient of the Cosmos Club Award.
Si monumentum requiris, circumspice.