One of the country’s most prodigious and productive inventors, Jacob Rabinow, has a distinguished record of technological achievement and public service covering a period of more than six decades. An accomplished engineer, he has played a major role in advancing government and industrial research and his inventions have brought inestimable benefits to society at large. It can be truly said that one or another of his inventions touches the life of every person in this country every day.
Starting his career early, on his eighth birthday, when he designed and built a catapult, Jacob Rabinow became an engineer, designer and inventor. He contributed greatly to American military might during World War II and to American technological and industrial prowess ever since. Over his long career, he has invented and developed hundreds of items of optical, electro-mechanical and electronic equipment ranging from military ordnance, to automotive, acoustic, horological, and computing equipment. He has kept alive throughout this century the vision of the individual inventor, engineering concepts into designs, designs into hard- ware, hardware into applications. His technological contributions have been of great material and economic benefit to the nation and have enhanced its quality of life.